
2024 Specialty Logo

Trophy Sponsor

Please support your National by sponsoring an event, class, or winner from this list or make your donation to the General Trophy Fund. All sponsors will be listed in the catalog. Consider making a trophy donation as a gift to honor a friend, breeder, mentor, puppy owner, etc. Per the CCRCA Show Plans Manual "A trophy may be sponsored in memory of a deceased animal or person. No trophy may be sponsored "in honor" of a living dog that will be competing in the Specialty". All awards given to Curly-coated Retrievers only.

To have your donation published in the premium, your donation must be received by April 26, 2024.
The final deadline for donations and to have your donation published in the Catalog/Yearbook your donation must be received by August 15, 2024.

To see the available classes, CLICK HERE for the LIVE GOOGLE DOCUMENT that will be kept up-to-date with what donations are available.  

You can send a check to Kathy Shifflett at the address below with a check made out to "CCRCA" and the filled out form.

If you have questions contact:
5927 Franklin Gibson Rd
Tracy's Landing, MD 20779

The CCRCA Board of Directors and the 2024 National Specialty Committee thank you for your generosity in supporting the CCRCA 2024 Trophy Donations. Without the support of our membership, it would be impossible to provide these prizes to our beloved CCRs.

Please select the box under your donation amount to cover fees when donating!