
Recording Secretary


The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all matters of the club and of the Board, and all matters of which shall be ordered by the club. The Recording Secretary shall assume the duties of the Corresponding Secretary in his/her absence until the position is filled. He or she shall keep a roll of the members of the club with their addresses, and carry out such other duties as are prescribed in the By-laws.


  1. To fulfill the fiduciary obligations required of all Board members and to act in the best interest of the CCRCA while upholding the Constitution and By-Laws and working to fulfill the Club’s objectives.

  2. Take minutes at all meetings and Board meetings and send approved minutes to the Commentator for publication. Publish unapproved minutes on the member’s website within 10 days of each Board Meeting.

  3. Assist the Board in scheduling the date of Board meetings with at least 6-week notice (motions 2006-18 and 2014-00)

  4. Keep records of all signed and dated CCRCA Breeder’s List Requirements documents

  5. Forward requests for membership applications to the membership chair (who then responds with an application, a copy of the Constitution and By-laws, current Board policies and motions to each inquirer).

  6. Keep a current membership list and make copies available to all members upon request.

  7. Send to the Commentator editor for publication in each issue, a report of all breed inquiries responded to.

  8. Compile an annual report of all activities of the Recording Secretary for the club year.

  9. Keep records of all signed and dated CCRCA Breeder’s List Requirements documents.