
Commentator Committee


The Commentator Committee shall review the Curly Commentator finances, publication procedures, etc. with an eye toward deciding whether the CC should cut costs or try to increase revenue. Committee members are responsible for all costs of conducting the committee's business unless a majority of the CCRCA Board agrees to approve a budget for said committee.


  1. To fulfill the fiduciary obligations required of all Board members and to act in the best interest of the CCRCA while upholding the Constitution and By-Laws and working to fulfill the Club’s objectives.

  2. To submit to the Board by July 1, a bi-annual report of accomplishments for 1st half.

  3. To submit to the Board by Feb. 1, names of each committee member, goals for the upcoming year, and a bi-annual report of accomplishments for 2nd half.

  4. To review annually the expenditures and revenues of producing the Commentator.

  5. If, in review of the annual expenditures and revenue of the Commentator, the committee feels changes must be made in the publication, printing, subscription or advertising charges, the committee shall make such recommendations to the CCRCA Board along with rationale for same.

  6. The committee shall review the substance and content of the Commentator on an annual basis and the committee chair shall submit an annual report to the CCRCA Board of Directors, consisting of commentary on the Commentator content and substance, problems with Commentator financing or policies, and recommendations, if any, for changes in publishing, editorial or other procedure. This report should constitute the opinion of the majority of the members of the Commentator Committee and must be approved by the committee before submission to the Board.

  7. The committee shall draw up guidelines for the editor to follow when deciding whether to print articles or advertisements. Such guidelines shall be approved by the CCRCA Board of Directors before taking effect. After approval of such guidelines, if the editor receives an article or advertisement that seems of dubious content or questions, the editor will submit same to the Commentator committee for their recommendation on suitability for publication. If the committee deems an article or advertisement unsuitable for publication, the committee chairperson will send a letter to the submitter of such ad or article explaining that it is unsuitable for publication. The committee chairperson may state reasons for the committee's decision and recommendations for changes and resubmission.