
Judge's Education Committee


The Judge’s Education Chair is the liaison between the Club and the AKC judges of record. The Committee is responsible for making it easier for judges to obtain educational materials and schooling in the breed.


  1. To submit to the Board by July 1, a bi-annual report of accomplishments for 1st half.

  2. To submit to the Board by Feb. 1, names of each committee member, goals for the upcoming year, and a bi-annual report of accomplishments for 2nd half.

  3. The chair shall include, as part of their bi-annual committee report due each year by February 1st, an annual budget or specify no budget needed. The budget will include the amount requested and the types of goods and services covered within the budget.

  4. Coordinate the compilation of Judge’s Education material for CCRCA board approval.

  5. Provide such materials to all interested parties and AKC judges of record or judge applicants.

  6. Coordinate Judging seminars in conjunction with the parent club and/or the AKC and/or regional Curly fancier groups.

  7. Monitor trends in the breed and send information/update/letters, with Board approval, to all AKC judges if necessary.

  8. Maintain an active relationship with the AKC Judges Education Coordinator, providing input when necessary, and with the general membership of the Club.
  9. Committee to maintain and encourage a mentoring program of qualified members to assist prospective judges gain knowledge of the breed and to facilitate the education of the breed standard throughout the USA.