2013 Specialty Logo

Trophy Donations

Thank you for supporting the 2014 Specialty by sponsoring a trophy award. You can check on the awards still available for sponsorship by checking the list click here. We will try to keep the list updated, but in case someone gets in before your choice, please make a second choice on the form which follows.

Please use the button below to use PayPal to make a donation to for Trophies.

As you probably already know a fee will be deducted from your donation for bank and PayPal fees, generally around 3%. Please consider adding a little extra for the convenience of using your credit/debt card for payment. For those preferring the old fashioned way, download the form and send a check <donation/form>

Either way we greatly appreciate you generous help in making the Specialty a success!

If you wish to sponsor a specific award please fill in the event and class in the box on the PayPal form. Thanks again for your help.

Questions? Please email , our Trophy Chair.